By Platform Scout: Patrick Barriere Sr. @coach_pat84
Top-notch defensive back play can completely change the dynamics of a game. Shut down coverage not only limits...
By Platform Scout: Nathaniel Shivers @NathanielShive1
The DR7 Road To The Crown National Tournament in New Orleans over the weekend was an electrifying showcase of...
By Platform Scout: Nate Shivers @NathanielShiver1
The DR7 Road To the Crown National Tournament events are not only about showcasing individual talents but competing in...
15U Playmakers - New Orleans, LA (Pool Play)
(written by: Nick Gradney - National Scout)
2027 WR Jaden Martin was nothing short of fantastic during pool...
By Platform Scout: Marc Henry @marchen44
Identifying talent plays a crucial role in players' exposure and development. The DR7 Road To The Crown Dallas tournament...