

    Majority of the players who play football have a dream to make it pro. It starts at an early age. Having a great support system can take a child a long way to becoming a man. There’s so many obstacles to overcome in being an elite football player and unfortunately, many don’t know what all it takes to get there nor do they know where the train starts. Whether they have active parents or not, it’s not hard to get left behind but it is very difficult to catch up. Once a kid gets past the 7th grade and have major potential, that’s when it begins. You must have a plan – short and long term. Colleges start offering kids as early as middle school. That can be you or anyone you know. The goal is to go to college on an athletic scholarship. Here are the precautionary steps it takes to further advance your career.



    -CAMPS (Showcases)

    Attending camps is very crucial during your high school football career. Some can be a bit expensive for parents so I’d advise that you either start saving early or find a sponsor. There’s no such thing as “camping too much”. However, certain ones are more important and valuable than others. Participating in one-day college camps helps with familiarity from the university and it puts you on their radar if you perform at a high level. If you really “wow” the recruiters, there’s a chance you walk away with an offer that same day. I’d suggest starting locally before going out of state for camps. Another camp that is important is the Rivals Camp. That’s where you get your stars and rankings. You may see already established players attend Rivals for multiple reasons, mostly to better their position. Other football camps such as VTO Sports, U.S. Army and Under Armour are good to showcase your talents as well.



    Believe it or not, statistics are highly subjective. For example, if you have two players with similar production, there’s an argument to be made about who played the tougher competition and who had the better team. The one thing that can’t be debated are the measurables. Being physically gifted can put you on a fast track to every schools’ offer list. Participating in combines shows where you stack up amongst some of your peers. There’s too many profiles with inaccurate size, speed and strength attributes. During a combine, you’ll test your weightlifting power, 40 yard dash time, vertical and perform many other drills. The most important part is simply how much you weigh and your height. You can’t teach size and some universities have certain standards for certain positions. No matter what your numbers say, they still prefer the kid with the adequate build for the desired position. The reason being is that they feel the numbers will come if they can mold that player into what they need them to be.



    Your film is your application. The work you put on the field can go viral at any moment and remember, the cameras are always on. It’s best to use HUDL as your primary film due to the fact that most coaches are familiar and already have access to it. However, if you are going to go another route & create your own, I’d suggest making your tape between 4-6 minutes. Recruiters aren’t watching 15 minute long videos with a bunch of watered down material. Just add the splash plays and scoring plays. The one thing that will catch the eye of the recruiter is having a variety. Meaning, if you’re a running back, display yourself in the run game, passing attack and it doesn’t hurt to add in blocking assignments. If you’re a defensive back, show that you can actually tackle and don’t shy away from contact, smart coverage plays, as well as your turnovers of course. Always have a link to your game film in your clipboard and ready to be sent off at all times.



    Your character means everything. Understand that being recruited to play college football is a privilege, no one owes you anything. You can be the number 1 recruit in America and that still wouldn’t put you above the brand nor goal of the team. Nobody is perfect but you must maintain a clean image. Displaying great off the field character is definitely monitored, even when you think it’s not. “Out of game” is also an extension of “off the field” so that goes for sideline, pre-game and post-game. Schools are looking for leaders. Your body language, facial expressions and seeing how the team follows your every word is big. I’ve seen a player get denied an offer because they lack those traits. Showing passion is a plus but know how much to give and when to do so. Being a likeable person also allows you to be coached and to remain level-headed.



    There are many different social media sites today but the most important to a high school athlete is Twitter. Instagram is cool too but it’s not as open as Twitter, where you don’t even have to follow someone to see what’s going on with them. The whole world is on Twitter and if you’re serious about your recruitment, you’ll maximize the opportunity. Twitter is best useful to show off your personality, send film, post game clips and to connect with college coaches from everywhere. A retweet can spread like wildfire. Going viral on Twitter is like breaking news – everyone could know who you are overnight. Stay consistently active because “out of sight, out of mind” is a real thing. Never use profanity, promote violence or anything with a negative connotation in your tweets. Recruiters want to know what kind of young man they’re getting more than the player you are. Make sure your full name is at least in your bio, even if it’s not apart of your handle – Don’t make the viewer guess. Keep your DM’s open and your page public. Your Twitter bio should consist of your high school, graduating class, awards and accolades, size, link to film and including your GPA helps a ton. Adding 40 times aren’t as important because that will be performed and verified over again and again.


    -7 ON 7

    Playing 7 on 7 is mainly for skill positions. 7v7 season typically starts in January after 11-man ball concludes. The importance of 7v7 is to be used as a training tool. It’s a way to get better at your craft by going up against players you normally don’t see from all across the country, as well as being on the same team with players that challenge you. Steel sharpens steel. 7v7 brings out a competitive edge that may have been hidden inside you, which can be useful going forward. Not to mention, it keep kids active with something to look forward to for when the season comes to an end.

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